Monodata | Proyectos detalle


Lugar Barcelona / CDMX / Helsinki / Tartu
Año 2013 / 2015 / 2017 / 2018
Sede Roca Umbert / Filux / LUX / Tartu in Light
Tipo de ProyectoInstalación lumínica

Absence es una obra artística realizada en colaboración con la artista Mónica Loyola.

Esta instalación interactiva audiovisual aborda el problema social de feminicidios que existe en México haciendo un tributo a la mujer a través de la poesía.

La instalación consiste en una máquina de coser y pantallas de hilos en donde se proyecta un poema con el que se busca honrar a mujeres brutalmente asesinadas, para evocar, así, la presencia de las muertas de Juárez, específicamente trabajadoras de maquiladoras de Ciudad Juárez que, como memoria colectiva en México, representan a todas las mujeres extraviadas en el país por ser uno de casos de feminicidios más conocidos por los mexicanos.

Monodata realizó la pieza sonora de la instalación, el desarrollo de software interactivo y la integración de tecnologías en cada una de las locaciones.

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“We are tired of reading the news and of knowing how they feel when they find the body without life. Today we live in a time of crisis and violence. In our day-to-day lives, we witness death in many ways (economic, moral, hope, etc). To think of light as the link between life and death, as a symbol of hope, or to understand that light is not a body but the shape of all bodies. Light is connected with life and death. Light gives life to this poem to another missing woman.” Monica Loyola 

“We are tired of reading the news and of knowing how they feel when they find the body without life. Today we live in a time of crisis and violence. In our day-to-day lives, we witness death in many ways (economic, moral, hope, etc). To think of light as the link between life and death, as a symbol of hope, or to understand that light is not a body but the shape of all bodies. Light is connected with life and death. Light gives life to this poem to another missing woman.” Monica Loyola 

“We are tired of reading the news and of knowing how they feel when they find the body without life. Today we live in a time of crisis and violence. In our day-to-day lives, we witness death in many ways (economic, moral, hope, etc). To think of light as the link between life and death, as a symbol of hope, or to understand that light is not a body but the shape of all bodies. Light is connected with life and death. Light gives life to this poem to another missing woman.” Monica Loyola 

“We are tired of reading the news and of knowing how they feel when they find the body without life. Today we live in a time of crisis and violence. In our day-to-day lives, we witness death in many ways (economic, moral, hope, etc). To think of light as the link between life and death, as a symbol of hope, or to understand that light is not a body but the shape of all bodies. Light is connected with life and death. Light gives life to this poem to another missing woman.” Monica Loyola 

Idea y conceptualización Mónica Loyola
Desarrollo de software y diseño sonoro Eduardo Jiménez